Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maybe I Really Do Have it in Me

So we've just passed the two month mark at school and we took our first exam. We were examined on everything we've learned in these past two months; parting the hair, highlights, lowlights, perming, chemical straightening, the finger wave, finger curls and rollers. I was nervous about it because doing hair isn't like solving a math problem or writing a research paper. It's a skill that one possesses and either you have it or you don't. We obviously don't begin as the best hairdresser in the world and there is always something to learn, like with any other occupation. However, I do believe that it's somewhat of an innate skill. You probably grew up loving to play with people's hair and create beautiful pieces of hair art (if you will). When someone would ask you to straighten their hair, even if you had a ton of other things to do, a bright smile would show up on your face and you'd say, "with pleasure." Well, that was me at least. But I wasn't quite sure if i'd cut it when it actually came to the technical stuff, that is, until today.

As the instructor read our scores aloud I thought, crap, this is about to be embarrassing, because receiving test scores is usually a private matter. Before he started reading off the scores, he distinctly stated that no one in the class received a score of 100 and that the highest score was a 98. As he called my name, I could feel my heart pound a little quicker, "Liat, 98." A feeling of pride began to wash over me and I couldn't help but smile. The news instantly made me feel like I want to work even harder and that maybe I really can be the best.

I've been feeling kind of down in the dumps lately because of all the licensing issues and the fact that I can't get my license to work in Israel because the state's test is only available in Hebrew and I can't read or write in Hebrew. But I guess it's not that bad because in all honestly, I don't plan on opening a salon here in Israel. Anyway, I was beginning to feel like going to class was pointless because all the other kids were going to get a license at the end and I wasn't. But now that I know that I really am good at this, well, it would be absolutely foolish of me to quit now. The other kids in class don't really talk to me much, especially now, but honestly, I don't care anymore. My hands will show them what I'm made of and they can eat it.



  1. OOOOOO, sis I am so proud of you. I knew you could do it and I love the attitude, almost as much as I love you.

  2. Congratulations so proud of you and of course you have it in you! Screw those jealous biatches they hating your natural born skills! lol
