Thursday, October 7, 2010

How do You Get From A to B?

Transportation. It's pretty awesome, really. I mean, if it weren't for transportation then we'd just be losers sitting at home all day. There are a myriad of ways to get to your desired destinations but up until my big move I hadn't really explored these different means. You see, having a car in Israel is mind-blowingly expensive, not to mention the fact that there is no oil in this country so gas is also going to eat a hole in that wallet of yours. You basically have to go into debt in order to own a car, which is why a lot of people here ride the bus everywhere.

Before moving to Israel, I had only taken the bus a few times in High School but now I take it every day. I love to ride the bus. It's like my own personal driver takes me to wherever my heart desires. Yeah, sometimes I have to end up sitting next to someone with an unbearable stench to them but it's worth all the beautiful scenery I get to admire as we ride along the narrow streets of Israel. California doesn't have the best public transportation so it's nice to live in a place where the bus can take me basically anywhere. The only main drawback is that the buses don't run on Shabbat (Friday sundown - Saturday sundown). Despite this, my favorite part about taking the bus is that I rarely feel worried that I'll get lost. I can always ask the bus driver where something is and meanwhile I get to enjoy a nice relaxing ride as the music from my ipod surrounds me.

The oldest sort of transportation, you all may be familiar with, is walking. Yes, Californians, people walk here and no, it's not just to get the mail from their mail boxes. Man, I walk so much here that I don't really care how much bread I eat anymore. It really is a fantastic feeling to be able to eat a plate of hummus with a big slice of fluffy pita bread and not feel guilty about it. Why should I feel guilty if I'm going to walk it off in the next hour or so?! Not to mention, there's a superb bakery on almost every corner and I don't have to whimper as I pass by them anymore. "Why yes, I will have that cookie AND a muffin." How you like them apples, America? But I digress, what I'm really trying to point out is that I'm really beginning to enjoy taking the bus and walking everywhere. I feel like I'm helping the environment and myself at the same time. I never thought something so simple could feel so empowering.



  1. Get yo walk on girl!! I walk in LA and eat what I want :) good policy!

  2. yummi Hummus! I enjoy walking it's so peaceful (gives you time to think a lot) you have made me want to ride the bus but first i need to learn the routes lol!

  3. haha yeah, son! the food here is so delicious i wouldn't dream of depriving myself.

    do it, Karla!

  4. LOL...I am so there with you on that. I do miss eating whatever the heck I want and not worry about the weight gain but alas....that is not to be. P.S. - I got the job. Your big sis is moving up and out. I love you.
